Saturday, December 16, 2006

Sorry I'm not posting much.

It's the time of the year, too much to do, too much stress, too crazy to post.

I also think there is some astrological thing going on. It seems like everyone is going crazy, way more than if there was only a full moon to explain it. I think I read something about 5 planets in Sagitarius -- would that explain it? I'm not sure.

So anyway -- if I'm not posting alot right now, don't give up on the blog altogether. I'll post more often again soon.


Sandi said...

Hey sis, don't worry, you are not alone in the posting department!!!
I did manage to get another post, but it took forever!
Have a nice day!

Preeti Shenoy said...

5 planets in saggitarius?!! That explains why I'm going berserk:-)Just kidding.