Friday, March 02, 2007

Rain Drops on Snow Drops and Crocuses

The snow drops are the first flowers of the new year. They are the bravest. I love to see them in the winter, because it means spring is coming. They aren't flashy at all, and they are so tiny that you barely see them when you walk by -- unless you know to look for them!

The crocuses are not up yet. But nobody told this one, because it has bloomed. This is the only crocus around so far. It is also so tiny that probably no one has noticed it but me.

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Niall young said...

Hi..this is me 'keeping in touch!'..Spring is reportedly 2-3 weeks earlier this year here in UK..I heard a feature on my local radio that was about Daffodil growers/suppliers who are usually just getting going with their trade about now. Instead it seems they're well into the season and approching the end..there are also so many Daff's on the market that the price has plummeted!

I liked your snow drop pics.

Anonymous said...

Sue, did you take that pic. My camera wouldn't take a close up like that without being blurry.


Preeti Shenoy said...

Beautiful pictures.Here in ndia, especially where I live, we have flowers through out the year.Especially in december we the loveliest ones.