Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm a very shallow person.

I'm not looking for everyone to jump in on this with comments to make me feel better, by the way. I really think I'm just shallow. A lot of things that bother people don't bother me like I suppose they should.

I like to make friends, but usually the level of friendship is on the lighter side. I don't remember to ask about things that I'm supposed to remember. I don't remember birthdays very well. (If you are my friend and I should know your birthday, I hope you aren't upset with me when I forget it. I don't even know the dates of my Mother or Father's birthday!)

Sorry, everybody. I would like to be a better person. I try sometimes, but then I forget to try other times. It isn't internalized like it is for some people. I think it's actually part of my nature, somehow.

I like everyone to get along. I don't like confrontation or anger. I feel uncomfortable around arguments. Why can't we all just get along? That's not to say I care if you have a different opinion than I do. I totally accept differing opinions. I don't even mind debating differences, as long as the debate stays friendly.

Sometimes, especially (mostly) with the kids -- mine and others -- someone will be telling me a long and involved story about something, and I will totally drift off. I feel terrible when this happens, but it happens again and again. I'll be listening. Then I'll start thinking about something else, and my mind will totally veer off topic. When I tune back in, I can't even begin to tell you what you just said. When I do that, would it be better for me to just admit it, or should I try to cover up?

So, I'm a shallow person. I want to be pleasant, I want to have a lot of casually pleasant relationships... sorry...


Anonymous said...

YOU are not shallow. and the drifting off part runs in the family!!! When I talk to George I seem to drift off alot. and I really like him. I start thinking about patio furniture and how am I gonna move it from dads friend's house. and did I finish the laundry, I don't think I did.. and what is on tv next. When I am at a meeting at work and we are learning about new product etc, that I know we will be tested on the following week or even at the end of the meeting, I am thinking about how much I like my new shoes and I wonder if my feet will hurt at the end of the day and I wonder what I am going to have for dinner. So you are not alone. Even when some one is talking about something I really want to know about I still drift. I think it is Adult Attention Deficit Disorder or something like that. Ok the drifting thing is possible for you....But I would never call you shallow. I am bitter, moody, and a bi#@*&. But I don't care!!!! People either like me or they don't. And if they don't oh well!!! Everyone likes you. You are a nice person. So there.
The real EVIL sister

Anonymous said...

Sue, just reading your blog after quite awhile and had quite a bit of catching up to do (loved your 100 things and your graphic stocking thing-a-ma-jig!). Anyway, first of all shallow and you is an oximoron (sp?) they are 2 words that I would never put together at all! And as for the spacing out part, well at least with you it's mostly kids, I on the other hand mostly do it with adults! I find kids conversations much more amusing (ie light and honest - not much thinking involved) So what does that day about me?? Well, no time to dwell on that!! Sooooo, I wouldn't let it get to you. It's who you are and we all love you for just that! There should be a lot more Sue's in the world! Besides you always see the good in a person and that's very admirable and rare! Wish it would rub off on me and the rest of society!
Enjoy the sunshine!

Preeti Shenoy said...

We are all like that many a time.I dont think that makes us shallow.

Anonymous said...

Coming from someone who is totally not objective in this of your best friends. I can unaquivocably state that you, my friend, are one of the least shallowest people I know. In fact you are one of the most caring people I know....remember the shallow people volunteer themselves to help others so much...I think not.....
Oh and Sandy if you're listening out there....I like you.

Beth said...

Hey you are not shallow....I know, I'm one of your best friends and I do not hang out with shallow people.....does that sound shallow???? Maybe you are and I'm too shallow to notice???? NAH.....
Oh and Sandy...if you're listening....I like you too.

Amandeep Singh said...

Wll I kinda dont agree with ya..coz that makes me shallow tooo