Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Red Tent

I found my book! Jan recommended it to me. It's called The Red Tent -- I've started it and it's very interesting. It's set in old testament times, in the family of Joseph and his brothers, but it focuses on the women. The red tent was where the women of the family went when they had their period, to rest and wait and worship the female gods.

Interestingly enough, as I'm on the verge of Menopause, I start reading this book.

So I go to my doctor, (Bringing the book, for while I wait, but not BECAUSE of the book, obviously.)

And he says... "You are too young for menopause." He's got this magic pill, called "bio-identical hormone replacement therapy," which will cure me of being old. So I signed up for it.

And right now I haven't taken any yet. I take it right before bed. But right now it's perfect, because it's pure potential and no reality yet. It has the promise of being the fountain of youth. Right now, it could be the perfect answer to everything -- my pudgy gut, my dry skin and falling out hair, my cranky paranoia. It could be the complete cure for everything that makes me feel like my grandmother.

And since I haven't taken it yet, it is still perfect.

Cross your fingers, I'm going to take my medicine and go read in bed now.

I hope to awaken at the age of... maybe 27? That would be young enough.

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