Sunday, May 17, 2009

Venturing Crew Camping Trip

So this weekend, we went camping to Allaire State Park with the Venturing Crew.

Venturing is a section of Boy Scouts, but there are some very basic differences. For one, it's meant for older kids only. You must be at least 14 and graduated 8th grade in order to join.

Secondly, girls AND boys are eligible to join. Which is a very good thing. There are rules, obviously, about no "fraternization." There have to be men AND women leaders, and there are separate tents, and no "visiting" in each other's tents or anything like that. But we're all one group and we do everything together.

There is advancement, but in our crew we haven't been as focused on that yet; we are still just getting warmed up. There is more of a focus on leadership, less on badges. There are still uniforms, but we don't require them.

I still have a lot to learn about Venturing. But so far, it's a great program.

This weekend we hiked around the group camping sites and found this in the woods...

... it was just left there from whenever there was a farm. It seemed rather appropriate to find it, as one of our main discussion points this weekend was "leave no trace" camping. If you leave something lying around, it will still be there hundreds of years from now.


pink dogwood said...

I loved your post of Saturday May 15th - just loved it :)

Rayne said...

That sounds great.
I have not hear of that part of scouting before. I was a Girl Scout up to 10th grade but dropped out because I had to work.
I wonder if this is something they had then, or later?