Thursday, March 18, 2010


I took the day off today to garden.

It's supposed to be a beautiful day, in the 60's at least, and I'm so excited to be home! Like usual, I have so much that I hope to accomplish, what is the chance that I'll really get it all in? But my plan is to try to be more structured. I woke up at a decent hour, instead of sleeping the morning away, as I am wont to do. I'm doing all of my computer stuff NOW, and I plan on finishing and then walking AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER :) and working, not playing!

I'm going to need to instill more structure in my life if I am going to lose my job.

Two things I'll miss if I lose my job. No, make that three things.
1. the Money - actually, that was the one I almost forgot about.
2. the Camaraderie
3. the Clock

The clock - the structure - drives me crazy, but it also gets things done. I have a lot to get done at home, but without a deadline or clock to punch, I tend to push things off. There is always tomorrow. Sure, I hate waking up in the morning and then rushing around to get dressed, but when I don't have to, I never really get moving, do I? I meander throughout the day.

The camaraderie - I like the girls I work with. I'm really going to miss them if I lose my job. Sure, I intend to stay in touch with them, but I really won't because I never do. But I'll miss them.

And yeah, of course the money. I haven't even LOOKED at my budget yet, or where I can cut things. I have plenty of ideas about how I can take up my time and earn a little bit here and there, but no ideas about things I can do that will make me a real salary.

Back to the gardening. I want to expand my garden and cut my food bill. I've already started seeds. Today, it's time to clean up the yard and maybe dig a little. I'm going to need help with that, I think. I want to prepare some new beds. I know it's early for that, because the soil is soaked, but maybe things will pull out easier. And it's cool enough that if I work up a sweat it won't be TOO sweaty.

So that's the plan!!! Now. I'm outta here, and I'm NOT checking back in until LATE TONIGHT. :) Enjoy spring!
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Doli said...

wow pretty flowers! lucky you! we dont even have buds yet on the trees here

jozien said...

Yes i also came for the daffodils.
But i love your post too.
Don't worry about, time, the garden will call early every morning. And the girls, instead having a social life at work, you can have teaparties in the garden.
It's just an idea :)

Sue said...

Doli - Thanks! The daffodils always come up pretty early, our trees are bare too :)

Jozien - It's a good idea, if it happens. I'm worried but not worried too, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

How do you rate daffodils already? We just got rid of the snow. Still some patches of it around.


Sue said...

Mom, NOW I know why you want to come visit! You miss my flowers! LOL :D