Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The thing about gardening

that you forget in May, when you plan to spend your entire summer in the garden, is that in Jersey in July it is just too damn hot to be outside!

Even so, my garden is doing fabulously well. It is huge and green and getting bigger. What it is NOT doing, currently, is producing anything you can eat. There are huge green vines that should eventually have string beans on them, and huge green leaves and flowers for the zuchini, and huge green plants full of tiny yellow flowers and a few small hard green tomatoes.

I suppose, eventually, I'll start getting a bounteous harvest. I'm a little worried, though. I need to get a LOT of veggies to make up for the money I've spent in the first place, starting the garden. Not to mention the money I spend on the water, watering it every day in this heat.

And I'm pretty sure that the harvest will start coming in at about the same time I decide to go away for a week. And Frankie won't know enough -- or care enough, anyway -- to pick the veggies. So by the time I get home, it will be all past its prime.

Or the squirrels will find the veggies before I do, and start nibbling. I've seen the little buggers hovering around the edge of the garden, just waiting.
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Anonymous said...

Hi Sue! Sorry I haven't visited in a while. Your pictures are gorgeous, as always :)

Sue said...

Thank you! :) I don't mind, I know you have more time now that summer is here, and really, I hadn't been writing much until recently...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the squirrels. I am trying to not let the animals get to me. We had a fox a couple of times but at least he doesn't eat veggies. One of the ground hogs crawled upinto Sandi's car and snuggled up in the engine. And SOMETHING at the top leaves off of one of Pop's apple trees. Don't know what or how it could do that. Mom

Sue said...

Hi Mom! I saw the pictures of the ground hog in her car. It was pretty funny. Maybe you could set up a video camera to watch all the critters come out and attack, then you'd know what was eating the apple tree :D LOL

Sue said...

Hi Mom! I saw the pictures of the ground hog in her car. It was pretty funny. Maybe you could set up a video camera to watch all the critters come out and attack, then you'd know what was eating the apple tree :D LOL