Sunday, October 14, 2007

Into the Wild -- the book...

I just finished reading "Into the Wild", a non-fictional story. I read the book because I saw the movie, and I saw the movie because Eddie Vedder did the sound track. It all comes back to Pearl Jam, right? Actually, though, I am really glad I read the book, and it has nothing to do with Pearl Jam.

The sound track is great. I've had it on heavy rotation for a few weeks already. It's not so much "hard" rock as other Pearl Jam stuff is. It's rather haunting and melodic or something.

The movie was great too. It had some beautiful, amazing cinematography, gorgeous scenery. It isn't getting any screen time near my house, or I would go see it again. It isn't the kind of thing that most people want to go see for light entertainment. Not a lot of dialog, not the "shoot 'em up" kind of action, although I would say there was a lot of action... Not the happily ever after kind of ending that you would like, because it was TRUE. What you got was a true to life ending.

I couldn't imagine what the book was going to be like, because the movie was so visual. There was a very strong underlining meaning, but I really didn't understand how what I saw (and heard) was going to be worded in a book.

In spite of the fact that I heard the sound track and THEN saw the movie, and THEN read the book, the book really did come first. I wish I had read the book first. There was a lot of philosophy in the book that came across in the movie, but in a simplified way. I got so much more out of the book. I can't wait to see the movie again!


Anonymous said...

I saw the sound track at Walmart the other day. They have those scanners there that if you scan the cd's bar code you can hear all the tracks of the cd. So me not having a life, I stood there at the machine and listened to a good portion of each track. Sounded pretty good. Didn't buy it though. Didn't have the extra $. I was finishing up on my Christmas shopping. I also had to buy my bff George a birthday gift. Bought a Travis Tritt cd for $9.97. What a cheap skate I am huh!!! lol!!! I also gave him some ads from various papers. Like life alert, scooter store, AARP application. Oh yeah, I also got him a Depends. (Ya know, the diapers for adults.) I didn't hafta buy that, my friend gave me that.... Oh wait... what does this hafta do with anything you wrote...oh yeah it doesn't!
Have a good one!

Unknown said...

I would like to see this movie. It may not happen right away but there's always Netflix. Now I want to check out the soundtrack too.
The book is already on my to be read list. I really liked Into Thin Air which was also by Krakauer.
Thanks for the visit to my site.