Monday, August 04, 2008

Communication keeps changing at the speed of light.

Another bizarre thing I've discovered about the way kids are using the texting thing, and how it's changing our language.

I texted several of the kids in the Venturing Crew (kinda like a Boy Scout Troop) to find out if they were coming to a ceremony tomorrow.

They all replied very promptly, which was a positive thing.

Do you remember giving speeches when you were in school, and your teacher told you that saying "Ummm" was something to be avoided? It was a filler, a bad habit?

In the replies I got from the kids, two of them actually wrote out the word "ummm."

So it's actually a word now. In the context of their messages, it seemed to imply hesitation. As in, "Ummm I might be there but I might be busy."


Vincent said...

Did you also noticed that spelling has also taken a back seat? :-)

Sue said...

Spelling has become a creative art.... like "C U l8r" for "see you later." And for some reason, the idea that someone might read a book has become almost an insult. I don't understand it at all. But I guess this is how all parents feel?

I can't believe I'm part of the "older generation" now... I still feel like a 12 year old!

Anonymous said...

ummm... I like 2 text 2, but I'm not 2 good w/ short cuts. I text my BFF. and ummm I only no a little bit. I may not even get those right! umm but I try! Ummm...TTYL! Ummm... lol! ummm... LMAO!

Beth said...

I'm proud of myself I was able to read Sandi's email.....I guess I'm not as old as I feel.