Thursday, January 01, 2009

It's a whole new year!


Here's to a brand new beginning - a new year, a new chance to start over and do everything right this time. It's more symbolic than real, but it's a great symbol!

I'm excited to have a new year beginning, aren't you? I started my diet today. I went to the store and bought a handful of diet like foods that I plan on using to help me. I drank a lot of ginger green tea, and I made "Hopping John", which is an old folk recipe from my Grandma's era and culture for good luck in the new year for money. It's actually pretty tasty and I made a slightly more diet version than I usually do -- and it was good, surprisingly!

I also bought two lottery tickets for Thor and I. But we haven't scratched them off yet. We aren't in any rush to scratch them off, because right now, unscratched, they are pure potential... they are certainly winners.

I have a bunch of books to cuddle up with for the winter, and I'm absolutely excited about THAT! I have the books I bought the other day, and the books that Amber gave me for Christmas, and I bought the next book in the Twilight series, and the sequel to Ken Follett's book "The Pillars of the Earth." Right now I'm reading the Deepak Chopra book which I am totally fascinated by... he's got a very understandable style, and I love what he's saying.

I hope you all find a lot to look forward to for the new year!
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Sue said...

OK, here's where I admit it's a sunset picture, not a sunrise. But you get the idea, right? I like sunsets better. I'm AWAKE for sunsets. And they are the beginning of the night, so it's fine, right?

pink dogwood said...

Happy New Year Sue!!!

Vincent said...

Happy New Year to You! And best wishes for the year 2009!
Good luck with your diet!
I finished reading Ken Follet's End of the World, the day before the new year. Excellent book! Enjoyed it very much. You will too, I am sure.