Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sunday Morning

G'Morning, all. Well, for some of you, it may be rather late. But it's morning here at my house, and it's a nice quiet one so far with nobody up but me, which is just how I like it.

Today is the last day of Christmas break. That is a rather sad fact. Also sad is the fact that I haven't really gotten ahead of the laundry that has to get done, or anything else for that matter. It's not just a matter of procrastinating, it's straight out not bothering to even think about that stuff.

But today is the day, I will certainly work my butt of to get ready for the work week. I'm going to make some low carb soup, so I have lunch for this week, (Yuck.) And I'm going to cook a roast for tonight's dinner, and get a crock pot ready for tomorrow's dinner. And I'm going to get ALL that laundry done AND put away.

So far, I've spent the whole new year reading -- and not eating much, just drinking ginger tea, going along with my dieting resolution. But I'm between books now (and my eyes are absolutely BURNING!), so I have no more excuses.

I think I should make a DAILY resolution. And my resolution for today is to restore some order to this mess! Thor will like that one!


jozien said...

You are so good!
My resolutions didn't go so well.
As for the Daily thing; I am a few hours behind you, my day just started and 'today is the day'.
Sadly so, but have a good week!

Anonymous said...

so tell me how did the laundry go... if you are anything like me.. it starts off good and then down hill quickly!

Sue said...

Jozien -- only "so" good, believe me... :)

Amber -- You know about the road to hell being paved with good intentions, right? Laundry has some rather hellish qualities. I got a few loads done. I made Nick sort socks -- twice. Frankie threw in a load himself. But I still have MOUNTAINS.