Sunday, April 29, 2012

Remember me?

Ummm... Hi! Long time, no see, right?

 Especially for a blog named Keep in Touch, I haven't been. I just looked at this blog for the first time in MONTHS yesterday. I kinda miss it.

 I've been pretty busy over at my other blog, the Iselin Times. Sometimes it's all I can do to make sure I get new stuff put up over there. I'm trying to make that one pay -- well, it's starting to generate a little bit of money, but not much of course. But I keep trying :) Plus, the purpose of the Iselin Times, which is to show the good side of Iselin - well, that's working to a degree.

But that's not why I'm blogging here right now. I was looking at old posts, and I do really miss it. I'm thinking about coming back and blogging here again. I hope I do. I am not making any promises, though.

Having two blogs is difficult, especially considering everything else going on. Like Facebook and Twitter and now Pinterest too. And a few TV shows I like.... and several projects I'm really into right now. Projects? Well, I'm still painting. Plus the garden is getting ready for the season. And I'm trying to make a quilt. And I'm working on some things for my parents and my in-laws for their anniversary. Plus, I really want to try to write a book - I have another germ of an idea, so that's actually TWO books. Not to mention - I am working again! Yay! and the usual cooking and cleaning. WEll, I hope to be back. We'll see.

What's new with you? Feel free to comment. I see the comments in my email, so I will definitely know when you write, and I'll try to write back and keep in touch.


Vincent said...

Hi Sue,

Nice to hear from you again. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. No wonder you have no time for this blog.

But maybe we will be reading more of your posts here soon.


Sue said...

Hi Vincent!

How are things with you?

I've got to get caught up on reading all my friend's blogs, too!

Be well!