Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Monday Morning

...and I feel fine... (REM is cycling through my head a little bit today.)

I was reading that book my mother recommended to me right before bed last night, the one by Eckhart Tolle, that's an Oprah book, about living a conscious life. A few thoughts were left in my brain for today.

You have to live every moment in the "now", and with one of three attitudes:
1. Acceptance
2. Enjoyment
3. Enthusiasm

-- If you are doing something that you have to do, but don't really enjoy, you should approach it with acceptance, not with anger or bitterness or some other negative emotion.

-- In most everything of your life, you should try to approach things with enjoyment. Even if the task itself isn't completely enjoyable, you can enjoy just "being". For example, it isn't enjoyable to wash dishes, but it is enjoyable to feel the warm water on your hands and listen to music while you wash dishes.

-- In some things, you should have a real enthusiasm, because it produces such an energetic excitement and joy.

But you should try to stay in the "now", because later and before are not real, they are constructs of your mind.

I'm going to try to do that. I don't know how well it will work, but it does make a certain amount of sense.


Anonymous said...

i can't fully live in the "now" because my sillyt mind always looks three steps ahead. i have to know where i'm going, what my goal is, what i can expect.
most of my life is acceptance.
life is easier to accept when it doesn't throw things at you.
i enjoy life when nothing is hitting me, or causing pain.

Sue said...

Sera, you are such a mystery to me! I know that the weather just threw some buildings and trees at you... but I hope everything is OK now...

You're totally right, it much easier to accept and enjoy and be enthusiastic when everything is going well. I don't know if I could absorb a book like this if I wasn't basically OK already anyway.

Not to mention, the hormone pills are working :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice thought... but sometimes ya just want to bash people in the face and scream.

By the way, today was a horrible day at work. There is no way you can get me to think anything positive. I am fully in the now... and it sucks