Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzardy day :)


The first blizzard of '10 didn't really hit us here in our little hamlet in New Jersey.
We only got a few inches, which was fine since it was a weekend anyway.
The best part of snow days is staying home, right? Being compelled to sit on the couch with tea and a book... bake a few batches of cookies or something. But if it's a weekend, and you can choose to stay at home anyway, where's the fun in that?

This is the second blizzard of '10. It isn't a weekend. But we all got to stay home :) even Thor, whose company NEVER declares a snow day. Poor Thor almost ALWAYS has to struggle in to work. He's been known to go to work on days where it is declared a "state of emergency" and the government asks people to stay off the roads so that the emergency crews can get through and everyone can plow. He always makes it. It's about a 45 minute drive with traffic... not too bad of a commute by New Jersey standards. But today, he got to stay home.

Of course, Frankie isn't home. He probably isn't even awake yet, I might be wrong. The college WAS hit by the first blizzard, and they had limited services, but he still had power and heat and water and the cafeteria was open - not a lot of food choices, but they were able to eat.

The third blizzard of '10 is also today, apparently; this is like two storms rolled into one. But it's really hard to be sad about it, if you have no where you MUST go, and nothing that MUST be done!

So I started some starter to bake another loaf of bread, and I started the laundry, and I'm going back to working on my paper work. I feel pretty energetic, but since Thor and Nick are both home, I don't have to spend all my energy on the shoveling! And before too long, when my energy level dials back a notch, I've got a painting to work on, and a book to read.

Hope you have a nice day too!!!
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jozien said...

Hi Sue! You are having quite the weather there. lol
You are loving it right?

Sue said...

Hi Jozien! Yes, it's lovely! And I love having another day off to enjoy, too! :)