I'm still doing that Nanowrimo thing. I think I posted about it a while ago, didn't I? It's a web based support group thingy for people who want to be writers (hobbyist or professional) to help them churn out the great american novel. Nanowrimo -- NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth -- is a challenge to write 50,000 words during the month of November. I believe that the idea is to write the words, and then worry about how good they are later. So that's what I'm doing. The novel I'm writing is actually a memoir about the problems with Frankie's health (my oldest son) over the last year.
As of today I'm up to 15,000 words, which I think is pretty good. My goal is to do 2,500 words a day. (Before vacation, the goal was 2,000 words a day, but I've gotten behind.)
I would love to be a professional writer. (Being paid for ANYTHING would be a good idea.) The memoir isn't really my first choice for the great american novel that I would LIKE to write, but it is a pretty interesting story to ME, so I'm writing that one.
It's hard for me to judge, though, if it is going to be an interesting story. Everyone always likes to talk about themselves, so of course I'm enjoying writing it, and I think it's interesting. And maybe other people who know Frankie will find it interesting. It's certainly more of a "tell all" than the Frankie Report website was, because I convinced Frankie that no one was going to want to read it that was his age -- compared to the web site, which I know that some of the kids in his school could have had access to. Like I said to him -- kids his age hate to read anyway, and the only way they would ever get access to this "book" thingy is if I actually SELL it, and then it would be making money so why would he mind? He loves money.
I'm doing the book in my word program on my home computer, it's not out circulating on the web. I need to get the 50,000 words down in November first, then in December I need to make sure the story is complete and then try to make sure the words are GOOD words and not just bulky.
Wish me luck! I'll let y'all know when it's available for reading, if you are interested!