Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Happy 17th Birthday, Frankie!

Frankie is 17 years old today.

Actually, this photo was taken yesterday. I decided to have his cake yesterday, the day before his birthday, because today he was taking his drivers test. I assumed that if he PASSED his test, he might not want to be home. And if he FAILED his test, he wouldn't want to talk to anyone.

Well, he passed.


On the plus side, he did stay home. His friends are all busy anyway, it is a Tuesday night after all.

By the way -- the wine in the glass in front of him isn't his. I'm not letting him drink. It's mine. I'll be needing more wine now, I think.

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Anonymous said...

Congrats to Frankie! I never doubted that he would do it.

Anonymous said...

Frankie texted me a picture of his license!!!! Yes you will need more wine!!! Only 7 more years and I will need more wine too!!!