Do you ever get this buzzing in your brain, like you can't let go of stressful thoughts that keeping repeating over and over? About things that you did wrong? It's kinda like a song that you can't stop thinking of.
No, I'm not going psycho (at least I don't think I am) and I'm certain I don't have a brain tumor. It's EXACTLY like having a song stuck in your head. WEll, it's what's been happening to me lately.
I have this feeling that it's menopause related, because I have a feeling that I'm hitting a "certain age" and it seems similar to what I feel when I have PMS -- only like ten times worse. It's been creeping up on me gradually. Maybe, instead of a mommy blog, I should be hosting a menopause blog. You know, everything about "the change" from start to (hopefully) finish. Besides, there are already TONS of mommy blogs. I don't remember anyone else saying they have a menopause blog.
But, I digress. The real topic here is the buzzing in my brain. Whether it is caused by menopause, or by some kind of psychotic or neurotic tendencies, it doesn't matter. Because it keeps buzzing. Everything I do wrong in my life, repeated on an endless soundtrack in my head. (I know I've written about this before, haven't I?)
So, today, I tried to fix it, and it seems to be working. I started with reading my fortune cards. I hope that doesn't stress any of you out, but I have fun with it. My fortune cards are American Indian based, and they were a gift. Really, they just help you focus on what is going on in your life.
Then, based on what I came up with, I did some meditation exercises. I visualized myself being cleansed. And then, I cleaned my house. (Actually cleaned it, not just visualized it becoming clean. Really, I did. I know it doesn't look it, but I did!)
I listened to some music. And then, I went and volunteered for a while at the High School gift auction.
And so far, it seems like it's worked. I'll let you know.
For those of you who worry about my sanity for writing stuff like this -- just comment me a smiley face and I'll know. You don't have to book a rubber room for me yet. Although you might want to book a dinner reservation for me! That might help!