Thursday, March 06, 2008

Escape into a BLOG

Beside the Stream is a blog I just found through a link from the Confessions of a Pioneer Woman blog. These two blogs are similar in some ways. I love them both.

I've been reading Pioneer Woman for quite a while now. She blogs about her life on a cattle ranch in Texas. It's a really great blog, quite an escape, because she has such an interesting life -- so unlike my life, or anyone I know about. Of course, she's also really popular. She will get 300 comments on almost every post. So if you add in the people like me, who read but don't comment -- wow, she's got some readers.

Beside the Stream, on the other hand, isn't that well known yet. It probably will be, though. It's another escape fantasy. The "stream" is a beautiful place in Colorado. The photos and the stories are lovely.

I wish I could write about my amazing life in this glorious area. Well, I guess I can. The suburbs are quite fascinating in their own little way. No one is going to read MY blog and start daydreaming about moving here for the good life, though!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, our suburban life, as boring as it may be, is just the thing we need. The trials and tribulations that we experience in suburbia are what makes life here interesting. Traffic on the way to the mall, the milk prices higher than the gas prices, little Johnny forgetting his homework on the kitchen table, all little inconveniences but very much needed at times when we look at the bigger picture. The little things are what grounds us and helps to put things in perspective.


P.S. I am in a philosophical mood today!

Sue said...

There's NO place like home... There's NO place like home...
There's NO place like home...
Auntie Gem! Auntie Gem! It's a Twister!

No, I agree. This area has too many people, which kinda destroys all the beautiful scenery, but it also has plenty of jobs and money, which is really important.

I'm not feeling philosophical as much as trying to escape reality.

Have a good weekend!

Abbreviated said...

Hi !

Here is a NJ fellow's blog you might find interesting. He graduated from Regis HS, but is from NJ. He now works for a newspaper in Oklahoma writing about sports.

He posted on PW's site.

I also followed the link to the Stream blog.