From a distance, the land is a swath of green (more brown and gray in the winter) through a very densly inhabited neighborhood. Last summer, I was very excited when I saw an egret or heron flying back there, and I ran home and got my camera to take a photo. Usually, though, I don't get back there much. It's just nice to know it's there.
A few weeks ago, I saw a deer. I found it amazing. The wildlife in this area increasing in spite of the increase in humans. When I was a kid, we had squirrels and the occasional skunk, and that was IT. Now, I have seen rabbits, raccoons, and even a ground hog, not to mention the deer and the egret. So we took a walk with the camera. I was hoping to catch a picture of a deer where I never imagined a deer would live.

Instead, I found many birds, including wild ducks. And, as you can see, the most horrifying assortment of litter that I have ever seen.

From a distance, the litter isn't really noticeable usually. When you actually get down to the brook, though, it's unbelievable.

I'm going to have to do something about this.