Sunday, October 29, 2006

Another week

Sunday Night is so depressing. It's almost as bad as Monday morning.

Last year it was better, when Grey's Anatomy was on Sunday night. Now there is nothing on except Extreme Home, and that's on early. We used to watch HBO on Sunday Nights -- wasn't that when Sopranos and Deadwood came on? I haven't checked HBO lately. That might be more fun. Something to do before bed.

This year's TV shows are: Heroes on Monday, Jericho on Wednesday, and Grey's Anatomy on Thursday. Aside from that, I've got a lot of books to read, and there is always the computer to play with. Surfing the web before I found a video of the Top Thrill Dragster Roller Coaster, stuck at the top for a really long time; and a video of a girl building a Ferrari out of knit panels. There is a lot of strange things out there on the web. Strange but fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm watching "Without a Trace" as I type.