Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I've got a half day of work today, because Frankie has a doctor's appointment. Can you believe, a half day of work means I can leave at 10:30?! This is one of the reasons it's great to start so early! :D


Niall young said...

You know Sue..I think this is what makes Blogging interesting...what we all really want to do is look inside someone elses life..you know like taking a leisurely stroll on a summer's evening and looking into those front room windows where the curtains remain open and the light is left on ...I got the idea for my front room decor from seeing someone elses house in such a circumstance!Sometimes we hold back from writing about the so called mundane..but to someone else, it's everything but...

so keep on telling us about your day...and we'll keep on reading!:-)

Sue said...

I know exactly what you mean! I love to check out other people's front rooms. I have our front windows wide open, no curtains to speak of, and my life hanging out on the blog... but I really don't think of myself as an exhibitionist! :D