Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tracks in the Snow


I love seeing evidence of things unseen... tracks in the snow that show how wild an area we live in, in spite of the close press of people, there is nature living right under our nose. Whether we like it or not, and whether we are aware of it or not.
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Read a news story here about how nuts we are in this area, afraid of wild things. The story is about how an agency of the US government poisoned a flock of starlings, because the starlings were "spreading disease" by pooping on somebody's farm. I love starlings and other birds. This is a story that really made me sad.

On the other hand, when NJ allowed the bear hunt, I wasn't against it. The bear hunt seemed more noble in some ways; I have nothing against hunting, and although we don't have many bears in NJ and they did use this area as a habitat at one time, they seem more dangerous and don't seem like they have a place here. (Everyone feeds the darn bears, for one thing, so they all start to associate people with lunch.) And we had a controlled hunt, we didn't just arbitrarily spread around some poison and see how many we could get.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it gets harder and harder for wildlife to live as more and more of their habitat is taken away. i hope more cities develop urban boundaries and learn to build up instead of out. we need to learn to live with animals, at least as much as they are learning to live with us.