Sunday, January 25, 2009

Questions for Beth

Hi all! I enjoyed my interview with Jozien, and now Beth has agreed to be interviewed by me. Here are my questions for you, Beth...

1. What is your favorite childhood memory?

2. What family traditions do you have with your children, and where did they start?

3. What is your most romantic memory?

4. What makes you happiest, right now?

5. Imagine yourself in the future, looking back over your life. What do you hope you will be able to say about your life that will make you feel like you've succeeded?

OK, get writin', girl! I'll be checking in! (When you have time. No pressure!)


Beth said...

OK...I've posted my anwers on my blog is anyone is interested....
Nothing too mind blowing...just about me....

jozien said...

I like your questions Sue! I found that part hard, first i didn't know what to ask, and after some thinking i had way to many.

Sue said...

I know exactly what you mean, Jozien!

Beth, they came our really good! I hope everyone reads it!