Saturday, January 10, 2009

Waiting for my 16 year old to grow up.

It's 9:30, AM, and I'm sitting here waiting.

It's supposed to be snowing, but it isn't yet. Well, there are a few faint white specks, but not alot. Which is actually good. I want it to snow, but not too much until later.

I'm mostly waiting for Nick to get back. He just left for his first ever driving class. I am not exactly worried about him, but I am a little. But I'm also glad that his first lesson was early enough in the morning, on a day when everyone is planning on staying home because of the snow we're supposed to be getting. The traffic should be light. And it hasn't really started snowing enough to affect his driving.

Nick seems to be feeling very unconfident lately -- maybe he's always felt that way, I don't know. He seems not too thrilled to be learning to drive, and he's not really interested in getting out to get a job -- I think that's because he doesn't want to approach the manager about an interview, more than because he doesn't want to work.

I wasn't sure what to do about it; I want him to get a job. I thought about driving him over to the food store myself, where he wants to apply, and asking to speak with a manager, and pushing him forward and saying "My son wants a job." But I tend to think that won't be a very good way to handle it. If he can't speak up to get the job, he probably just isn't ready yet.

So I've decided to wait a little longer, but I'm gonna make him work much harder around here. Play time is over, and it's time for him to do adult work around the house. I want him to cook a few meals a week and vacuum, do laundry, and stuff like that. Maybe by being responsible for certain things, he will become more confident.

He isn't overly excited about driving, but maybe when he starts driving around some, he will find more confidence.

I don't know what else I can do besides wait.


Beth said...

Let me know how the driving goes....I think you're right not to talk to the manager about a job. think back to when you started to work. I would have hated it to have my mom or dad talk to the manager first. JMHO.
and he might not be ready....

jozien said...

Hi Sue,I am a worry mom. I have one son, he is 17.
And he's got the car this weekend, will be home whenever...... Concerning confidence,I do push, but just a little. I put somethings in place so he can actually go ahead with it or not. All this maybe backfired on me , i just got a certain letter from school....(nothing major, he is a good student)
They grow up no matter what we do or don't do.
Your Nick sounded great on his birthday post!!

GEM said...

Nick is a wonderful young man! He's 16 and without a care in the world! Remember he is a lot different from Frankie, and a 16 Frankie had a lot of adult things going on in his life. Revel in the fact that Nick is a free spirit. He will grow up, we all did. Nick won't have uclers at age 30, gray hair at 40 or a heart attack at 50. To be 16 again, what a wonderful age, the world at your doorstep and mom still protecting you from all!


Sue said...

But I'm living in fear that Nick will be the 30 year old living with his parents and chronically underemployed... not a pretty picture!!!